What are nature parks?

According to the Nature Conservation Act, nature parks are areas to be uniformly developed and maintained which

1. are large-scale,
2. are predominantly landscape protection areas or nature reserves,
3. are particularly suitable for recreation due to their landscape features and in which sustainable tourism is envisaged,  
4. are planned as recreation areas in accordance with regional development requirements,
5. serve to preserve, develop or restore a landscape characterized by varied use as well as its species and biotope diversity and in which a permanent environmentally sound land use is envisaged for this purpose, and
6. are particularly suitable for the promotion of sustainable regional development.

They aim to achieve a balance between intact nature, its use, economic well-being and a good quality of life. They present an opportunity to promote sustainable development compatible with the landscape. Nature parks have a forward-looking role for the conservation of nature, landscape-oriented recreation, environmental education and enthusiasm for environmental issues together with integrated sustainable development of rural areas.

Verband deutscher Naturparke (Association of German Nature Parks)

The Verband Deutscher Naturparke (Association of German Nature Parks – VDN) has since 1963 been the umbrella association of nature parks in Germany, in which the bodies responsible for nature parks have amalgamated. These are the responsible experts active in nature parks all over Germany who with their competence and commitment shape the work of the VDN in the field of nature conservation, environmental education, sustainable travel, recreation and development in rural areas.

You will find further information about nature parks, their offers, tasks and services at www.naturparke.de.


Lüneburger Heide GmbH