Pond landscapes in the Südheide nature park

You will find several ponds in the Südheide nature park. Just to the northeast of Eschede are the extensively used Aschauteiche and Loher Teiche fishpond complexes. The variety of bird species invites you to linger for a long time, for example at a viewing tower located along the way with a view of one of the ponds and the water birds which live here.

Besides farmed fish, species such as gudgeon, roach, stickleback and bitterling live here, to the benefit of the water birds. The fact that highly endangered breeding bird species are found at the ponds is one reason for area enjoying special protection as part of the European Natura 2000 protected area network.

The black stork, the white-tailed eagle, the osprey, the crane, the red-necked grebe and the pygmy owl breed here at the ponds or in the immediate vicinity. The kingfisher visits regularly for nourishment; grey herons are often seen and occasionally also great white egrets.

In summer, blossoms of waterlilies floating on the surface of many of the ponds bring dashes of colour from the world of marsh and aquatic plants. The blossoms of the marsh iris and the marsh calla are resplendent on the banks in May and June; the marsh calla is also called “pig’s ear” due to its inflorescence with a large white upper leaf.
When the ponds fall dry at times, the diversity of species of the pond habitats is unexpectedly revealed all the more. A few very inconspicuous plants have adapted themselves to this process: their seeds can survive for years on the bottom of the water and then quickly germinate, blossom and produce new seeds when the pond falls dry.


Lüneburger Heide GmbH